Mark Allen's Dream Journal - October, 2002
*note: Date of dream entry refers to day before,the date of the night I went to sleep and the dream I had into the next day's date.


    There was some odd scenario where I was on some TV set and Sarah Jessica Parker was there. I was like a tech guy or something. At one point me and Sarah started to talk. I ask her to come to my "parent's house" later for a date. She is like "Um... OK" in that evasive, brush of way. I give her the address. Then later I seem to be at my parent's house (but it's an unfamiliar house I've never seen). We are in the house's big garage and my parents are both towards the back of the garage and I am near the front - near the big garage door, which is open. There is one of those gigantic limousines in the garage - like that people rent out for wild parties. It's an 18-wheeler limousine and it has a hot tub on the outside in the back. It's parked in our garage for some reason. I am putting all these configurations of rubber bands on the center part of all the hub caps - for some reason. As I am concentrating on what I'm doing... through the entrance door (leading from the house - not through the garage door) enters Sarah Jessica Parker - just out of the blue. She is dressed really glamorously and all made up like she's at The Emmys or something. I stand up and am like "Oh! Hi! You made it!" I am really surprised to see her because she acted like she didn't want to come over at all when we talked earlier on the set. we didn't even make plans... I guess she just remembered the address and showed up. I start to talk to her and she won't look me in the eye. She seems nervous or pre-occupied or something. She's just standing there in this fantastic dress and amazing shoes and wild made-up hair and I'm all covered in garage dirt and have rubber bands all on my wrists. The conversation doesn't go to well and soon she says "I gotta go!" and she leaves. My parents didn't even react at all to Sarah entering our garage. I wonder why Sarah left but I stand there thinking that it's even weirder that she just showed up out of the blue like that.


    There was some scenario where I was in a hallway of an office building. The walls of the building were white drywall and many sections had glass bricks on them. There was gray industrial carpet on the floor. Some of the areas in the hall had potted plants or framed pictures on the walls. It looked very "80's". At the far end of one of the halls I was walking down was what looked like a slender woman with long, straight blond hair and a dark business suit/dress on. She had he back turned to me and was standing completely straight with her arms directly down by her sides. She had dark hose and dark shoes on too so she almost (from far away) looked like a black "peg" with white on top (the hair) or maybe she looked like a weird bowling pin way at the end of the hall - like the hallway was a bowling lane. I seemed to be slowly approaching her - almost kind of floating towards her. I got the impression that when I reached her, she would turn around and something significant would happen. There was also something about these white plates that were going along down the hall with me - like floating along. Sometimes the plates would fall to the ground and break. There was also another scenario where I saw this same woman, with her back to me, in one of the offices. The office had glass brick walls (that you could kind of blurry-ly see out into the hallways I was just in) and gray industrial carpet and a desk and what looked like a neon wall hanging sculpture thing behind the desk. The woman was in the corner with her back to me (and I sense there were others in the office too but I couldn't see them). The other people that I couldn't see had a bunch of the white plates and they were smashing them down onto the ground and breaking them... over and over... and waiting to see the blond woman's reaction. She just stood there in the corner the whole time with her back to us... not moving. It was weirdly creepy.


    There was some weird thing where I was in this old medieval castle with Jim. The walls were made of gray stones and the floor was dirt with bits of hay and straw on it. Jim and I climbed up this rickety ladder made of sticks and twine... up to a landing that looked out over the inner courtyard of the castle. we started sort of kissing and hugging and then, at one point... I had my head kind of behind Jim's head and my arms around him... and suddenly Gregory was standing right beside us. He was behind Jim and it seemed like he was kind of "hiding" from him - and wanting only me to see him. I start to have a conversation with Gregory as I am hugging Jim (who is unaware of Gregory). We are whispering. I start to try to describe how much I hate that stupid song by Meredith Brooks, "Bitch" to Gregory... he isn't familiar with it... so I start to tell him how the lyrics are similar to that old Berlin song "Sex (I'm a...)" and I start to say the lyrics to that one and Gregory still isn't familiar with that one. So I start saying the Berlin song lyrics more and more and I'm getting closer and closer to Gregory's face and as I do we suddenly start to kiss. We are secretly making out behind Jim (who I still have my arms around). At one point I start to feel like Gregory might just be his head, with no body... floating there. I am making out with Gregory's floating head secretly behind Jim, who I am hugging.


No dreams.


    I'm living in some mountain resort style A-frame house in some woods-y area with Bart and Susan, these two people I used to know in Dallas, Texas. The house has many levels. It is raining hard outside and I have these awful old sneakers on that are wet and gross and smell. I take of my sneakers, while inside the house on one of the upper balconies, and then I take off the wet sock. My foot is wet. I look at my big toe and see these weird "cracks" on the underside of it. I touch the cracks and my big toe suddenly "fans" out - like a flowering rose. The cracks were just the edges of these folds. Inside the cracks are not cuts or scars... just normal walls of skin. It's just like my big toe is constructed in a way that allows it to "flower open" from the bottom like a rose or maybe one of those animals that can "flair" it's upper body out to scare predators. I look at it all weird - it's almost like one of those Chinese wooden 3-D puzzles that come apart and you have to put it back together. I kind of freak out and quickly "close" the toe back to it's normal shape and quickly put the sock over it to hold it in place. For some reason I think my big toe is susceptible to this condition and the wetness causes it to flair up.
    I seem to have a vague memory of dreaming this about my big toe before in the past.
    Then I seem to be in this house in a suburban neighborhood. I live there with some woman I don't know. It is Halloween. For some reason I know that the house we live in is haunted by poltergeists, and that I communicate with the poltergeists regularly and actually am friendly with them. The older woman I live with knows nothing about the ghosts.
    I am walking out into the front yard of the home with the woman. The grass is dead because it's Fall. It is daytime and the sun is out. When we are outside we see that the entire exterior of the house is covered in really cheesy, store-bought Halloween decorations...  a lot of them - like they engulf the entire two-story house... cardboard cut outs of witches on brooms and pumpkins and skeletons and stuff, black and orange streamers, fake spray-on spider webs out of a can, rubber rats and tarantulas, ghosts made out of white tissue paper, strobe lights, a Halloween sound effects record playing... stuff like that. There must be hundreds of each item totally engulfing the home. It's weirdly spectacular.
    Suddenly I "{sense" the presense of the poltergeists outside the home. I can kind of "see" them lurking in the giant piles of Halloween decorations. They psychically communicate with me that they are going to try to "scare" the older woman... and for me to please act surprised and scared... to play along with the prank. I send ESP back and am like "Okay!". Suddenly things start to happen to all the decorations that scare the woman - like things begin to levitate and all these scary sounds start emanating from the house. The woman gets really freaked out but never looks away from the decorations... like she's watching some kind of show. I hold the woman from behind so she feels safe. Suddenly, on of the clusters of fake spider webs right in front of her magically changes shape to a scary-looking face and laughs at the woman with a sinister laugh. She puts her hands over her mouth and is like "Aaaaauuuuuuuggghh! Did you see that!?" and I say "Oh yes!" and I look over at the moving spider web face and it smiles and winks at me when the woman isn't looking.
    Suddenly I look around and realize that the suburban home is actually a house I grew up in, in Plano, Texas as a small child... and the older woman is my mom.

10/6/02 - 10/8/02

Out of town.


   It is night time and I am going home... walking. I think I have just been hanging out with Gregory, Jim, Trucker John, Guillame and Sammy. For some reason I think my old Dallas friends Charlotte and Alonso were around too. It is night time. As I am walking home through the dark streets I realize that I can "bounce" - like hit the ground hard with my feet and "fly" up into the air. It's like there is low gravity or I am underwater. So I bounce off the tops of cars on my way home and as I do... I seem to be memorizing a "review" for the Roman Coppala film "CQ" in my head - as if I'm going to write it when I get home. I'm saying things like "Bravo Roman Copalla! A visual masterpiece!" and stuff like that and then I stop thinking those things because I realize I don't want to put anything in the review that marketing people will be able to swipe and put as a quote on the ad. So as I'm bouncing along I am trying to recite this review of a film in my head that has NO quotable lines that really sound dramatic or could be used out of context to sell a film. It's really hard. As I bounce along and try to come up with the review I imagine Camille Paglia reading the review and liking it.


    I lived in some space where there were a lot of people running around all the time. It was a building that seemed to be up high on a series of embankments that had busy highways below it. You could always hear the cars outside. The building was very modern looking... and all the doors inside the structure moved like the doors on the Starship Enterprise from the "Star Trek" TV series. There is this little doll... like one of those porcelain dolls you can buy on The Home Shopping Network... that is in the building and can walk around like a real person. It is a girl doll, about 2 feet high and dressed in a "Little House On the Prairie" style outfit. It's head is shaped like a little girl with hair and a bonnet - except it seems to be made of a water balloon... like it's the real shape of the head but is a balloon filled with gel. So the head bobs up and down as the doll walks around and is all making squishy sounds as she walks. She's a living doll that walks around and talks to everybody AND she has a water balloon head filled with gel that squishes around as she walks so it's a double whammy.
    Everyone in the building is always running around and doing things. It's like a busy office. I get the impression that I live and work in the same building... like my job is so time consuming that I just sleep on the couches at night. At one point I have walked to the back of the offices and I see this giant area that opens up. It it all white with fluorescent lighting and giant isles of products... it looks just like a Target store. Everyone in the store has on white lab coats. For some reason I know that this area is a printing press area... even though it looks just like a Target (I don't see any printing presses anywhere). For some reason I know that these are the offices of Next magazine. I also know that David Moyal has hired me to write the gossip column of the magazine every week. I know that I have had the job for two weeks and I have not handed in one single column. They just ran the magazine last week without the column and this week all the guys in lab coats are running up to me and asking "We are about to go to press... do you have this week's column?" and I'm all "No... sorry." I'm wondering why in the hell David would hire me to write a column like that... I never go out and I don't even know the subject matter at all. I also wonder why the magazine is tolerating me not handing in any writing without firing me. Weird.
    Then I seem to be in this foyer exit of the building near the front. It's a little hallway with steel blue walls and blue tile floor - very futuristic -  that leads to a door (sliding automatic door) that leads to outside where the embankments and busy highways are. Inside the hallway, along side the wall, is a toilet. It's a working toilet and it's just there against the wall all out in the open and everything. People are walking out and in the doorway... it's very busy. For some reason I decide to just take my pants down and take a dump in the toilet right there in front of everyone. I don't see any toilet paper anywhere. I'm sitting there shitting and people are walking by like it's nothing... and I don't even seem to care. For some reason I get up from the toilet in the middle of shitting and all this watery poop falls out of my ass onto the blue tile floor of the hallway. I look down at it and am like "Eewww." and I look around for something to wipe it all up with. People are walking by and I'm always holding my arms out going "Watch out! I shit all over the floor!" and they just step around it like it's nothing. As I al using this sponge that I now have for some reason to wipe the floor, I notice that there is this weird lump of wet fur or something near the shit. I look down and see that it is a dead mouse! Mixed in with my shit! How did it get there? Did it come out of me? Was it already on the floor? Was it already dead? Did someone step on it? It kind of freaks me out and I decide to just scoop up the dead mouse with the rest of my shit and get out of there.
    I'm having a lot of trouble picking up the shit and dead mouse with the paper towels I now seem to have. People keep walking around me as I do it. Suddenly... I look down at the mouse and the front half of it starts to move. It's alive! At least it's head and front legs are... the mouse kind of "wakes up" and looks around and shakes the liquid off it's front half and rubs it's eyes with it's little paws... it's almost like a cartoon mouse. It uses it's front legs to drag the rest of it's body around. I decide for some reason I have to get the mouse out of the building because it's gross and covered in shit. I decide to scoop it up in the paper towels and just let it free outside. Suddenly the mouse gets control of it's whole body and it JUMPS up and runs off into the office somewhere. I chase after it and am like "Everybody out of my way!" and I'm chasing this mouse all over the offices as it bounces everywhere. Somehow the mouse jumps out one of the exit doors and outside the building. I follow it. Outside it is dusk and the sun is setting out over all the embankments (which have dead grass because it's winter) and busy highways. It's getting dark. I follow the mouse down the side of one of the embankments. The mouse is acting very playful and doing somersaults down the grass. I have my camera now and start taking pictures of the mouse for some reason. I know that, for some reason, this mouse is a nightclub entertainer and I am taking photographs of it to be used in an advertisement in Next magazine for it's upcoming nightclub act. As I take the photos of the tumbling mouse I can kind of "see" the ad in my head. I see that for some reason, in all the photos I take, the mouse looks like a little fake plastic figurine or toy of a mouse... not a real one. Like when this mouse is photographed it shows up as a toy. I picture handing the ad into the Next staff and being really embarrassed because it's such a lousy photo and ad. I'm like "Why don't they just fire me?"
    Then I am sitting on the embankment and it's still dusk. I am with someone whom I can't really see. I am showing them photographs of the balloon-headed walking doll that inhabits the office. They are photos I took. the photos seem kind of animated... like you can see the doll's head bouncing in the photos. The person I'm showing the photos is getting a real kick out of the doll as I am describing it to them. They keep laughing and staring at the photos and asking me questions about the doll and can't believe that it's real. I keep flipping through the photos and am like "Yea! Yea! Oh yea... it's real all right!"


   There was something about me continually trying to blow out a match that seemed to already be blown out. Or maybe it kept re-lighting. I was in my apartment as I was doing it and it was pouring rain outside and windy (daytime) just like it really was all day in NYC yesterday.
    There was also something where I lived in this area that had what looked like all these abandoned buildings. The ground in the area was orange/brown clay-like dusty dirt - like in an old Mexican village or something. There were different "levels" in the area - like the whole area and all the buildings were divided up into these weird levels. The level would be made of the same dirt the ground is - and when you reached a new level it was like there was this 6 foot tall wall of dirt that you had to climb up to reach it. At one point me and a friend of mine were going to watch this movie up on one of the upper levels. There were all these young kids playing down on one of the lower levels and they kept saying "We wanna come up there and watch the movie!" and we were like "No! You can't come up to one of the upper levels and do upper level stuff! You aren't old enough!" The kids kept trying in vain to climb up the dirt wall as we were watching the movie.
    Then there was a very creepy total scenario shift. I am in an unknown house (it looks vaguely like my old grandparent's house) and it is night time. I seem to live there on my own. I walk into the house after being at work all day and there is this guy standing there in my house in the kitchen talking on the telephone. He has long hair and glasses and has a vaguely "80's heavy metal" look. I realize he looks just like - or IS - this guy that I barely knew that lived in my dorm during me freshmen year in college, and whom I have not thought of in a decade. For some reason I know that he has broken into my house and is going to rob the place or do me harm. I get an ominous feeling from him as I enter the house. As I walk in he sees me and I yell "Get out of my house!" He just continues talking on the phone and holds one arm up as if to say "Don't talk to me I'm on the phone!" I walk over to him and push him and say "Hey! Fuck face! Get the fuck out of my house!" and he hangs the phone up and looks at me all pissed like I interrupted his phone call. I take out my cell and am like "I'm calling the police" and he says "I don't care..." Then he walks to the hallway and takes something and puts it in his jacket. He starts kind of singing out loud this sing-song-y song, almost like humming or whistling while he works. He sings "Robbin' a house... la la la la la la! Yea I'm robbin' this dude's house! La la la la la la! Nobody stops me 'cause I'm robbin' a house... la la la la..." and so on. I call the police on my cell and they say they are rushing over. Suddenly there are other people in my house - neighbors - that seem to be there to help me get rid of this guy. No matter how much me and my neighbors yell at this guy or even try to physically stop him... he just keeps smiling and laughing and stealing my belongings one by one. He's super confident and seems invincible. Where are the cops? They're taking so long! I get the impression that the robber is pure evil and unstoppable and he will eventually pull out a weapon and kill me and there is nothing I can do about it. This part of the dream was almost a nightmare.
    Then there is another total scenario shift... I am with my mother and we are walking down the sidewalk of some unknown neighborhood. Suddenly Joel is with us. Joel, for some reason, seems to be the "replacement" for my father. This is weird. As we are walking down the sidewalk... Dave Doorknob walks up and says to me "Oh Mark! Joel is your dad! I approve! I approve!" Very weird.


No dreams.

- - - Long gap due to computer being broken - - -

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