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Indent is the way to go that’s so funny. I know it seems weird you know it is. And why? What is the point of such nonsense? I don’t drive. The wheels turn. Turning asnd turning thare is the best of lands. Best… best of lands. The turn of turns is turnit;s in the bag the cat? Hmmm? The cat is in the bag of oh that’s too loud. The mall. Malls of malls and an endless mall tube you f ff f f ffff f fffffffffff float inside and rotate XBNSDBNC SDKU J sj circumference radiant sales oh bitchg of air conditioned bliss blue skies through plaxiglass crystal i palace-faux windows. toRN NDown Pro Printersclosed on the days sosBliss of the delt. And on star strat the delt green start. Styreetosphere. in the feun., , <
H4 045I 45. WHEEEEMMM NM NM FOUNTAIN plot. Kneeeethe tile of the tile is the tile of tiles and it;s in the tile. oh maroon tile of tiles in til? Ploisthi whit the goons of why? ir? No o udbvfk 122 in the goons of the tile of tiles. islands of the fotiles of tile of tiles of the ggons? Mo! No ir the know of know in the delt… alift to a delt the air lifts into a green delt. Green cart wides like tides in the delt of green. Alift to a delt.
Indent is the best of the boo. Ghost of boons of the delt. Legi=oon Legoons. Dragooooadstologatinariyonthedelt. Merry ten of noine of eight of cen of cans of cens. The random is of the poo po poo is the random of the boo of the bandlands. Paynetn of the payment is the payment of dwestoildoiltoi diolt doilt dolit doilt od the ask true west. DOILT IS THE doilt of thew doilt of due is the due. Period. of the dot is the due of the delt of the the of the the the of cresdt! Googiani is the plans of the delt is the delt of the gooliagiani of the qwindows are fogged oh and the carsick and I do not care of the fricissianne monestary it is PRIVATE PROPERTY! OF THE PARADE SIDE BY SIDE IN LINE OF THE PARADE IS THE LIne os the flide. Line osin the side by saide what desirthe eoevjr of the crest into hole. Flume of overview of summer LITERALLY! Over the view the spot the sand ground os the yellow objest. Plastic? Wood? Metal? Was it around in the 1880s? I think the everyone saw it was asw was was quest of the was was was crest. owncndofnwonc wocn oef nfoe foewofj ewoef wofeolre 3904t q;of39j4 q34t9 r394
Like this qaswedfrgthy there is a hole in my right eye tthe overview revealed in late night page turning single lamp? Of course the plans revealed this as well as ample kitchen space. BLAM-oooooo! Pan frying over the head iron skillet has the rand of the rand it of the dert of derts. Dert frys the fish he does. of the derts! Hey dert fry the fish it smells! Mmmm smell of lemon oil on the award podium! Single light reflects makes the pitchforks and torches put to war of the underlit is best. The arrow in text form ca-choo! Text form of the deft edft elf in the deft od the fght gun of navagarooonies. Croon of hey yes of the fine of the fine he best is the burrioooootios of the bean. Baw haw haw haw of the delt. The dust balls of the najavino indians of the crest of a cliff is the bufaloons. Jjj nn hmm? >”f[

pl [p[ppoeodlld p d d pp d p d pdp d pd Is KKK bad of the KKK of the KKernals. I guess of the group is best what is the numbs of the best. PPP KKK PKdumb. Philip K. William. jjkjkjk The dest of a bnook spine is the best of laddededed of the ladder og ogoo go to the lads of the ENGoid language of the deft. The masks of the yea burn the CD we’ll talk about it at lunch those jugs have been on that trees forever don’t lie you snow of the expans I can’t see the face for the horrible winter brances just post in the trees of the hiding is a smell? Swelling of the face is the swll in the trees of the sillHo Ette. Sub popping corn in the basement esseftsd the taste.Stone walls of the crocodilles? Alligator is not a felt. Engineered of the felt wall with candy to be taken by the scariest of volunteers. Uhmnnn hiunc cppew do3okjdfpopolLSX ; ;;l;l;KLMCPE SDKSDKMFEPOERME FOEKFPERKFEROKF FOK POF KOF EOFK EROF KEPOFK ERPOFKEPROFKERPOF EPRO FERPO dpdrmfkerofkeofkeoek i efv v vf jvf jvf jvf jvfj v jf jv
22222222882 n828n28282 2whaddsayttyty? 929 29 29 29 2{}{{ 2 920 21020320030 30 30 30 30 3 Oh it’s a ROCK-cation and my walking stick is so there is the there of the delt and suade is the lie because I thought your coat was rubber oh it’s so amazing of the executive octopus and we lied at the front to tell you to take the shoes off and little table for a midget no it’s a dog and my jaw dropped and the gallery is a lie who cares the disco ball to make work? Oh the lie of a ghost violin and you lie! was of the wasi was ofd the was richard and the . SAD DEER makes you cry dueling electric deer the record was a hit I saw the robot deer on HEE HAW. Atkins and Lloyd of London is oh never mind. Oh you grow out of it and the mass of dough I infuse herbs oh you liar you do no such thing at the grocery isle I miss LA and I think a car going to the mexican side of town of the town of the was of the town of the nantucket oh their lips are so tight there no like Aztec of the lips of the as of the of the of the lips of the stone in the ivy of the deep in Mexico. j ii epoi dc;eooefnwel 38348 wo wdo ls f lf slld dod Oh Martha’s Vineyard and the bricks just pop out winter cvan do that too with ice and the black tarp with rivits covers the basement view and they are unpopping the bricks she said so and eight cents bookstore that railroad runs of the book delt and the flood of beavers making a dam of books and we light it on fire and the ghost of indian of the ghost of the photo was so the fake of the ghost of ghestr run of the run and the wall was removed I saw it all and they torn my heart out the prom was there I lied at the dinner party about logan of the distract of the delts. the lie of the mail it comes and it’s like aoh the lie os the maiol of the sunglasses in here. Oh and you could see he had such itty bitty stumps he didn’t pound on the glass he tippy tapped like a bad zombie I am so not scared but it’s a;ll in fun is it not of the waht is the noise in the noise of the come out of the fog. It’s a dog only the front half oh it’s in the fog to hide and walls of fog of the home and the boundaries are only inside ourselves and that’s scary if youy think about it. and the solution of the cure don’t need a tower deft of the delt og the deft.

Oh jfeni k sl liw owwe resdt of the rest eds eds reds reds sd reds sder redss sderer reeddss de rI’l I’m going to Big Creek where I’ll be alright oh but I always arrived when I could afford the money the fall was here and coming and it was all ruined but that didn’t stop my tears of the ambition of the thought it REALLY happened no matter what the weather.OH OHh could you just imagine little green grass growing out of bright blue dirt oh that would so adorable I believe like a baby blue swim cap rubber with tufts of green grass coming out oh the imagine of it all and the dirt is a rubber can grass of the rubber grow andSHE She so I just knew you had that when you told you husband of of the robot piece I know you sat on your grass carpet and you apartment is always in an amber light and your blunt red hear cut lift into a delt od the amber glow and you tilt to read my article I just know all you furniture is made of gwoing growing grass indoors oh that is just so “magazine” and you of I just knew that as you talked about me sitting on worms oh you would have that you oh look at you just the rich richie rich richies of the rich oh could they could they just tax taxes please? tax taxes please oh that would be the taxing of tax fees it would be the taxing of the taxiest taxing taxes oh the rich of the taxing in reverse of the confusion con. And yea the dinner party was the inspiration of the whole of the whole what is the dinner party was the lie of it all. My very fake helmet hairspray helmet toupe was best than her very real face lift work who is she kidding I was with the loser half of the twin tower team but honestly I think the winner party would have been a bore and where would I have had the grass furniture in amber glow Sunday light thought of my article of it all in the past of looking back in the does it real and in the oompa loompa pants it was like what are you doing and one looks like a uFO crashed into a jungle gym and one looks like the fortress of solitude imagine oh uh-huh is the – in there to see how about “-” ha ha you just you wait the editor will love it oh the ALAMO? How can I forget it?? KISS THE GOAT@

RTiff ret ret t r s okm ok mdwowsmc cmwoe3kcmwklckw cpkc wpocmwdpockmwdckwmc riff of the riff to the spanish of the riff is like a rose in guitar and the cases? Well they have stickers did you know the caskets travel by plane and the animals suffocate in the low class eats of the serving the trays of the poodle paws. Oh the gracious and grateful nd do you introduce anyone like that they need no itroduction so I’ll jsut shut up and Nancy listening to the mp3 of burning down the spark on central park arthur’s death is laid out on drums on the cliff. He needs no introcuction but he sure needs and outroduction. Look around yea look around and LIE! Mmmhmmm swans and pretty shakespear of the hope of posters just frames the lie laid out in live gardens which are the bubbling cruel of nature dirt is covered by plants. Beat t t to om m kklaoq qiqiiqiq qjqnq qnqjnqjqnq Laura CANNOTrell.