Personally, it’s one of my favorite boob tube moments. Farrah Fawcett’s June 6th, 1997 appearance on The David Letterman Show. Go on over to DDY’s Letterman Video Archives (doesn’t allow hotlinking – scroll down to Farrah’s name and click). Jim and I have viewed my tape of this so many times, we’ve now worked many of her awkward catchphrases from it into our everyday conversation. Watch it all, the best parts come out of nowhere. Her spokespeople later blamed her cringesterical behavior on panic attacks, and a last-second glass of wine backstage (on an obviously empty stomach). I think it’s also safe to assume she probably wasn’t feeling overly self confident when she walked out. Who knows. This batty appearance made the news, and single-handedly landed her a reality show a few years later (which unfortunately aired post-Anna Nicole Smith Show). This classic television un-moment doesn’t even come close to one of Andy Kaufman’s notorious talk show spectacles, but at least Farrah is in the same dimension. Wow, and here’s a whole transcript.