This is part eleven of an ongoing mathematical equation attempting to calculate the current state of Gay New York. As each portion is finished it will be added to the final equation in the appropriate place. The final equation is collected here.

plusOscar Wilde's The Importance of Being EarnestplusQuentin Crisp's The Naked Civil ServantplusJames Baldwin's Giovanni's RoomplusSusan Sontag's Notes on Camp plusa cluemultiplied bya bunch of other stuffplusOneplusAfter DarkplusOutweekplusDiseased Pariah Newsplusthe side of a cereal boxpluswienerspluspornplusa billboardplusHX magazineplusNext magazine

plusjust using the internetplusbrainsplusvisionplusperspectiveplusstyleplusa mall

plusnothingplusnothingplusnothingplusLance Bass's Out of SyncplusomgBICH c blog w/gr8 ASS? plz wtf?lol w/e g2gplusgay New York City now

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